Sunday, 28 October 2018

In Friendship, Jealousy is Normal or Not?

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone,

Right now I'm in a state of confusion. I have a guy friend and he also my bestfriend. I'll name him A. We are so close so we share lot of secrets, spend most of our time together and help each other when needed. I am so thankful for that. then, this one girl came into our life and she is also my friend. I introduce her to A cause we started to study together. From what I see, this girl is attention seeker. She like to have A's attention and I dont know why. For your info, she has bf already but study in other state. At first A dont like her personality and he tell me that. He always complain to me about her. the girl also started to do what I like to do with him. For example, we jokes and slap each other body just for fun but we did naturally. She suddenly did that to A in front of me and normal reaction for A, he slap back. I was like "whatever". As time flies, she always did that repeatedly when we study together to the point it's so annoying. Then she quit university. We lost contact for few months. 

One night, I texted A for dinner but he said he cannot go cause he go dinner with this girl. I'm so surprise that they still in touch. Everything was okay and suddenly I feel like A are keeping secret from me. He started to focus on this girl a lot and I get pushed aside. They always make plans together but also complaining about each other to me. Sometimes, she asked me whether I want to join them for an event. I said I'll think about it. Then she said "If u dont wanna go, I'm not going also" and want to register together. It turn out she register already without telling me. So I end up didnt register cause past due date. and Sometimes, A tell me the girl's problem and ask whether she tell me. I said she didnt tell me anything. Then I found out she share lot of her problems with him including her relationship problem. I dont have a problem about her sharing her problem to him, but why involve me in the situation. It seems like she want to tell me that she's close to A compared to me. Maybe I thought wrong but that's what I feel. Whenever three of us go out together, they always slapping each other, jokes around while I'm there like a street lamp post. Nowadays, they often go out together and he didnt even tell me and of course I know from the girl. He also start to forgot something that I ask. Maybe I'm not "memahami" enough. I just assume he has lot of things in his mind to think about. 

At some point, I feels like my existence are not important anymore to him and I feels he's so far for me to reach. I feels so sad when they jokes around together eventho I'm there with them. I just laugh at their jokes but feels awkward with them. I dont know whether I'm just overthinking or being a dramatic but I do feels lonely around them. My heart hurt but I fake a smile and laugh together with them. 

So let me ask u guys. Am I being dramatic? or Overthinking? or Jealous? Is this normal in friendship? What do u guys think? 

Friday, 1 June 2018

Mother's Day

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone..

Dah lama kan tak update post..Haaaaaa..Kali ni post aku pasal Mother's Day..macam yang korang tau, ibu/mak/mama ape-ape je la yang korang panggil, dah mengandungkan kita selama 9 bulan pastu lahirkan kita walaupon sakit beranak tu memang sakit gila..dah jadi tanggungjawab kita la kena hormat, tolong, jaga hati diorg, macam-macam lagi la untuk buat diorang happy..

Aku ni still student, so tak boleh nak balas jasa diorang in term of money..Jadi, aku buat keputusan nak buat video special for Mother's Day..Special for mothers outside there especially my dearest mom..So here's my Mother's Day video down below. [Mohon jangan kecam la maklum la..newbie lagi..hehehehehe]

Oh yea, by the time aku post video ni..Mother's Day dah lepas dua minggu dah..tapi I dont care..nak jugak post..hehehe..okay la..sampai sini je post aku..Enjoy the video and leave comments down there or can comment directly at my youtube channel or click this link below.. 

Pesanan aku for this post is jangan la pernah sakitkan hati parents kita walaupon sometimes kita rasa tak puas hati dengan diorang..Every single decision they made ada hikmahnya..They just want us to be safe..Tak ada parents yang waras want to hurt their own child..So hargai diorang sementara diorang masih ada and for yang dah kehilangan, sedekah la Al-Fatihah. Cheers.