Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Melbourne's memories

Assalamualaikum & hello~

Memandangkan time ni aku tetiba rindu my friends dekat Melbourne, so nak kongsi jap..nak kongsi banyak la..hehehe..pasal aku, diorang and Melbourne. ape? xnak tau? alaaaa~~~ nak cerita jugak..! hahaha..kalau xnak tau jugak...ermmmmm..kena baca jugak..LOL..

Before I tell u guys about my friends, I would like to tell u about my first year. Honestly speaking, my first year dekat Melbourne was my worst year ever in term of social life. It was my first time leaving Malaysia. I never felt that lonely, scared, sorrow and lost before. I went there alone [my parent can't follow me cause flight ticket's so expensive] and stayed at the temporary apartment in the city. I arrived in Melbourne a week earlier before orientation week. That time, I was struggle with finding a house to rent. I searched for almost two weeks and luckily I found one near my University. When my classes's start, I can't even make friends with my classmate or people in the university and plus my English are not that good. To make it short, one year I'm in Melbourne, I managed to get just 1 viatnamese friend [I posted my photo with her in the previous story] and kitorang still kawan sampai sekarang. I think I wasted a year of my time there doing nothing. Just stayed in my room even on my semester break.

Luckily, one guy named Syam from my university's Malaysian Club approached me and asked me to join the club. At first, I hesitated to join since I don't have any friend to registered together. I'm really want to thanks him cause he insists at that time and make me register. so he was my second friend there. From that moment, he introduced me to the fellow Malaysian members. After that, whenever they saw me in campus, they will wave or say hi or smile at me. I feel so happy and started to like my life there.

After that I moved to Malaysian Hall Melbourne. It's a student residential for MALAYSIAN only. There were lots of Malaysian student staying there from different university. This is the place where my life getting better and better. I can proudly said that I really love living there. Masa dekat Malaysian Hall, aku ada kawan-kawan yang rapat dengan aku. Diorang ni dah macam my brothers and sisters, my small family to be exact. I feels like I'm in Malaysia and close to my family when they're around. we had each others back, eat together, play together, watching movies together, laugh together, sharing stories together, road trip together, hiking together, gossiping, senang cerita kebanyakan aktiviti memang kitorang buat sesama.

Unfortunately, I have to go back to Malaysia due to a few factors yang xdapat nak elak. One day, at the restaurant after finished our dinner, I told them that I'm going back for good. They looks suprised and the girls are crying while the boys just sit there quietly. That make me sad and can't hold my tears anymore. I cried with them that night. A few week after that, they throw me a farewell party. It was so great and nice to be with all of them before fly back. I'm really thankful for what they did for me. At that time I know for sure that they really love me [hahahaha..perasan kejap..]. And I admit that I love them sooooooo much. Then I fly back to Malaysia with mixed feeling. Happy and sad at the same time.

Tujuan aku tulis cerita ni bukan nak bangga yang aku pernah belajar kat Melbourne, tapi nak cerita how thankful i am having friends like them. So, nak ambil kesempatan ni nak cakap THANK YOU SO MUCH cause sudi jadi my friend and be with me during my up and down, support me everytime i feels like want to give up. For korang yang curious sape kawan aku yang baik gila ni, I'm proudly present their name [gambar xboleh bagi sorang-sorang sebab nanti korang bawak jumpa bomoh pulak..hahahaha..just kidding..] :

1. Dillah [my lovely twin]
2. Syam [my MARIO game buddy]
3. Syed [my best buddy]
4. Syazwan [my Mr.President]
5. Kak Dayah [my dearest kakak]
6. Awin [my cute friend]
7. All my friends [Malaysian Hall peeps, Malaysian Club peeps, Melbourne peeps that know me]

Mesti korang macam terpikir kan? Dah kenapa pulak aku letak nama diorang ni? Bukan diorang tau pon. Bukannya penting pon bagi korang kan? hahha..tapi aku xkisah..nak jugak letak nama diorang..sebab diorang ni my precious friends..hahaha..

Last sekali, nak bagitau korang yang kawan memang senang nak dapat, tapi kawan yang nak besusah dan senang dengan kita susah nak cari. 

For my friends that I mention above, all the best in your study there. I always pray for your success. I will always remember all our precious memories that we shared together. Thank you again and I really miss u guys, like a lots..I love u eternally!!

my farewell party's Group photo

Tetiba rasa macam story kali ni emo pulak..hahaha..but I don't care..still nak share dengan korang..LOL..